Murah Bukan Murahan! Resep Mie Goreng & Mie Kuah Kornet: Pedas Gurih.
Devina Hermawan Devina Hermawan
3.69M subscribers

 Published On Premiered Nov 10, 2020

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00:00 : intro
03:23 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
03:53 : membuat mie kuah (making the Noodle Soup)
06:12 : membuat mie goreng (making the Fried Noodles)
10:00 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dishes are ready to plate and serve)


Resep Mie Goreng & Kuah Kornet. Mie instan menjadi makanan favorit banyak orang. Agar lebih sehat, biasanya mie instan dipadukan dengan protein dan sayuran. Salah satunya mie goreng / kuah kornet yang pedas dan menggugah selera ini.

Resep Mie Goreng Kornet (untuk 2 porsi):
2 bungkus mie instan
2 bumbu bubuk mie instan atau penyedap
2 minyak bawang mie instan atau minyak tumisan bawang merah
3 butir telur
2 bungkus kornet sachet
2 siung bawang putih, iris
9 buah cabai rawit, iris
½ buah tomat, iris
2 batang daun bawang, belah dua dan potong
½ sdm kecap asin
2 sdm kecap manis
2 sdm saus sambal

Resep Mie Kuah Kornet (untuk 2 porsi):
1 bungkus mie instan
1 bumbu bubuk mie instan atau penyedap
1 minyak bawang mie instan
2 siung bawang putih, parut
6 cabai rawit, cincang
½ - 1 sdt cabai bubuk
1 butir telur
1 bungkus kornet sachet
1 sdt gula
1 sdm saus sambal (opsional)
300-400 ml air

1. Untuk mie goreng, rebus mie dengan air mendidih hingga matang kemudian saring dan sisihkan
2. Panaskan minyak lalu masukkan telur dan orak-arik hingga kering kemudian masukkan bawang putih dan kornet, tumis sebentar lalu masukkan tomat, daun bawang, dan cabai rawit lalu aduk rata
3. Masukkan mie yang sudah direbus, tambahkan kecap asin, kecap manis, saus sambal, bumbu mie instan, dan minyak bawang mie instan kemudian aduk hingga rata
4. Panaskan pan dengan api besar kemudian ceplok telur setengah matang atau sesuai selera
5. Mie goreng kornet siap disajikan dengan tambahan telur goreng di atasnya
6. Untuk mie rebus, tumis bawang putih hingga wangi lalu tambahkan cabai rawit, kornet, minyak, dan minyak bawang kemudian masak hingga kecokelatan
7. Masukkan air, tunggu hingga mendidih lalu masukkan mie instan, bumbu bubuk, bubuk cabai, dan gula lalu aduk rata
8. Masukkan telur, jangan diaduk-aduk lalu masak hingga telur setengah matang atau sesuai selera
9. Tuang mie ke dalam mangkuk lalu siap disajikan


Spicy & Savory! Corned Beef Fried Noodles and Noodle Soup Recipe

Instant noodles are many people’s favorite. To make it healthier, instant noodles are usually paired with protein and vegetables. As an option, you can make this spicy and mouthwatering Corned Beef Fried Noodles and Noodle Soup.

Corned Beef Fried Noodles Recipe (for 2 servings):
2 pack instant noodles
2 pc instant noodles seasoning or flavor enhancer
2 pc instant noodles infused oil or shallot oil
3 pc egg
2 pack corned beef
2 clove garlic, sliced
9 pc bird’s eye chili, sliced
½ pc tomato, sliced
2 pc green onions, halved and slice
½ tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp chili sauce

Corned Beef Noodle Soup Recipe (untuk 2 porsi):
1 pack instant noodles
1 pc instant noodles seasoning or flavor enhancer
1 pc instant noodles infused oil
2 clove garlic, grated
6 pc bird’s eye chili, chopped
½ - 1 tsp chili powder
1 pc egg
1 pack corned beef
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp chili sauce (optional)
300-400 ml water

1. For the Fried Noodles, cook the noodles in boiling water. Drain and set aside.
2. Heat some oil. Add the eggs and cook until dry. Add the garlic and corned beef in, stir-fry for a moment, then add the tomato, green onions, and bird’s eye chili.
3. Add the boiled noodles, soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, chili sauce, instant noodles seasoning, and instant noodles infused oil. Mix well.
4. With high heat, make an easy half fried egg or to your preference.
5. Corned Beef Fried Noodles are ready to serve with an extra fried egg on top.
6. For the Noodle Soup, sauté the garlic until fragrant, then add the bird’s eye chili, corned beef, and infused oil. Cook until they’re browned.
7. Add some water and bring it to a boil. Then, add the instant noodles, seasoning, chili powder, and sugar. Mix well.
8. Add the egg in at the center of the pan. Do not stir. Cook the eggs over-easy or to your preference.
9. Pour the noodles into a bowl, then it’s ready to serve.


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