Old Moscow Dialect and what is left of it
Микитко сын Алексеев Микитко сын Алексеев
360K subscribers

 Published On Dec 19, 2019

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Language-knowledge hunter. 3rd episode.

Було[шн]ая(Bakery), Маяковск[ай](Mayakovsky), це[р']ковь(Church), до[щ'щ'](Rain), [д’в']ерь(Door), etc. — all of that are features of old Moscow pronunciation. From this video, you will not only learn about different old Moscow pronunciation features but also will hear dozens of examples of speech from old movies, songs, and theatre performances. By the way, I will also speak the old Moscow dialect in this video.

Also, there is an opinion that «в Маааскве все гавааарят вот так(Everyone in Moscow speaks like this)». Of course from the point of view of a regular Moscow citizen, it is completely wrong. But how this cultural myth was created: is it just a bad impression of those who come to Moscow or was it the proof of how people in Moscow actually have spoken.

At the end of the video, we will talk about how widespread this "Mchat(Well known Moscow Theatre)" pronunciation was before. This Russian "received pronunciation" and is someone speaking in it now. In addition, I will share my personal feelings about it: I patiently learned it and even filmed some videos using it a year ago.

00:49 Features of the old Moscow dialect
— 01:38 Masculine adjective ending -ОЙ [ƏЙ] after К,Г,Х
— 04:37 Returnable suffix -С, -СА
— 05:22 [ШН] on the place of ЧН
— 07:12 Posotionally soft consonants
— 08:55 Soft Р’ in separated words
— 10:09 Long [Щ'Щ'] on the place of ЖЧ, ЗЧ, СЧ, ШЧ, ЗДЧ, СТЧ
— 10:37 Long [ЖЖ’] on the place of ЖЖ, ЗЖ, ЖД
— 11:16 Word «до[щ'щ']»
— 12:01 [ШƏ], [ЖƏ] on the place of ША, ЖА on the first preexclamated syllable
— 12:34 [ЦА] on the place of unexclamated ЦЕ [ЦƏ] in some words
— 13:13 Ending of verbs -[УТ], -[ЮТ] instead of -АТ, -ЯТ
— 14:08 [Х], [ɣ] instead of К, Г в ГК, ГЧ, ГД, КК, КЧ, КТ, КГ
— 14:41 [КЫ], [ГЫ], [ХЫ] in some verbs ending on -ивать
— 15:20 [Й] before И in the beginning of the word and in the middle of the word after vowels.
16:03 Are the old Moscow dialect features unique?
17:01 Is the old Moscow dialect gone?
26:40 What is it: dialect or sociolect?
28:55 «Мааасковскае праизнааашение(Moscow pronunciation)» — Myth or archaism?
30:05 Experiment: the resurrection of the old Moscow dialect on my channel
35:22 Conclusion


Antonova О.А. Old Moscow dialect and imprint in modern-sounding language. http://www.ruslang.ru/doc/autoref/ant...
Visotsky S.S. About Moscow's common dialect. http://philology.ru/linguistics2/vyso...
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