Almanya ' daki Türkler - 1972
Bahriye Bahriye
44.7K subscribers

 Published On Oct 2, 2018

Türken fegen den Kurfürstendamm. Traurige Straßenzüge im Berliner Stadtteil Kreuzberg. Türkische Schlachterei. Türkische Kinder gehen auf der Straße. Ein türkischer Mann auf der Straße. Kinder spielen im tristen Hinterhof. Eine Bürgerinitiative versucht durch Diskussionen die Ursachen der Misere zu finden. Anleitung von Incila Ozhan, eine türkische Kreuzberglehrerin. Kreuzberger Krankenhaus Bethanien dient den Türken als Moschee. Die Religionsübung geschieht inmitten von Unrat und Baumörtel. Tanzende Türken und Türkinnen in einem Lokal. Band spielt türkische Musik. Das Haus Salzburger Str. 16. Boerner versucht mit dem Filmteam in das Haus hereinzudringen. Der Hausbesitzer versucht es zu verhindern, er greift das Team tätlich an. Boerner, O-Ton: "Drehen, komm herein! Ton ab, wir gehen hier jetzt herein. Drehen, drehen." Abgewohnte Zimmer mit total kaputten Möbeln. Der einzige Wasserhahn der Wohnung ist klein und Fußboden davor naß. Die Küche ist schmutzig und unbrauchbar. WC-Becken und Handstein sind total verdreckt. Die Haustür ohne Schloß. Boerner an den Hausbesitzer: "Sie haben jetzt eine Gelegenheit Stellung zu nehmen." Boerner kommt aus dem Haus heraus, gefolgt von Polizisten.
Berlin: Turks report Turks sweep the Kurfürstendamm. Sad streets in Berlin's Kreuzberg district. Turkish butchery. Turkish children going on the road. A Turkish man on the street. Children play in the drab backyard. A citizens ' initiative seeks the causes of misery to find through discussions. Incila Ozhan, a Turkish cross mountain teacher's manual. Bethanien Kreuzberg hospital serves as a mosque the Turks. The worship is surrounded by filth and mortars. Dancing Turks and Turkish women in a restaurant. Band playing Turkish music.
Pahl Turks report in Berlin
This report: Pens of the economy Kulis of the Christmas economy: Turks, who sweep the Ku-damm in Berlin. Fill a gap in the market, which is to close with German workers. They live in apartments that are German citizens have already left... 30,000 Turks alone in 'Little Istanbul', in Turkish ghetto Kreuzberg.
With kith and kin and with false hopes the Moslems answered the call of the German economy: economic progress but they have less than their German counterparts, and they are more threatened by possible economic crises. So far, Berlin's Senate could not solve their problems. Therefore, citizens initiatives samples self-help. The 1. Step: what are the causes of its misery?
"It's like that you just need to see that many people can not bear it with more than 15 / 20% others to live together."
"The mentality of other people, that is so not so easy to grasp."
"And unfortunately I must tell you that I look like how some of the gentlemen here, no great solution."
"The Turkish Government is ready to provide teachers in german so excellent German-speaking teachers here."
Language barriers - the main obstacle of for integration. Incila Ozhan, one of 60 Turkish cross mountain doctrine channel and helps teachers.
The Government welcomed the self-help action, but lacks sufficient support. The help is shameful. The Turks in the practice of their religion get to last; The disused part of the Kreuzberg Bethanien hospital serves as a mosque.
Also in the leisure, Turks remain among themselves. They complain of missing contact with Germans, feel as unwelcome guests, though they work here, pay taxes. Request: removal of prejudices.
Salzburger str. 16 terminus of our report: A homeowner fights, that we uncover the Wohungswucher he collects with the Turks.
In writing an invitation of the Turks was to enter the rooms of the dormitory, but the owner p. is not okay.
The film attacking team physically, that wanted to film the apartment, although the consent of the tenant was. The conditions explain the refusal of the house owner. Up to DM 150, - per month p takes for a bed in the rat holes. 14 foreigners are living in an apartment. Profit from a House: DM 14,000, - per month. Mr. P. in West Berlin alone has 30 houses.
The only water tap of the apartment.
The kitchen was closed by the Health Department, the Turks eat cold since then. The fee includes: Toilet cleaning: with the single toilet in the apartment the service does not seem to work.
The house owner has removed the locks so that he can at any time the Turks controlling. He surprised us too during the shooting.
P. gives up. Screams for the police but there is already registered. The chance to put a stop to it, but once thoroughly is highly uncertain in the current situation of the law!
UFA Dabei 856 1972 – Films at the German Federal Archive

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