Make Water Bubble Drops Pattern On Leaves With Foam Sponge !! 3d motif wall paint
Raffa Channel Raffa Channel
316K subscribers

 Published On Nov 12, 2020

Ide motif dinding,buat motif atau lukis dinding tetes gelembung air di atas daun dg menggunakan kuas spon busa dg menggunakan cat nodrop atau cat tembok elastek pengencer air,untuk warna cat ,hijau muda,hijau tua,kuning,putih,hitam,biar lebih detail bagaimana proses pegerjaanya ,silahkan simak videonya,terima kasih semoga bisa jadi inspirasi

Wall motif ideas, make a pattern or paint a water bubble drop wall on a leaf using a foam sponge brush using nodrop paint or water thinner elastic wall paint, for paint color, light green, dark green, yellow, white, black, let me be more detailed how is the working process, please watch the video, thank you, hope it can be an inspiration

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