في زمن الفساد والعنف كان نوح الرجل الصالح الذي أمره الرب ببناء فلك لحماية نفسه وعائلته من الطوفان
محمد صبري زيزو محمد صبري زيزو
1.78K subscribers

 Published On Oct 8, 2024

في زمن الفساد والعنف، كان نوح الرجل الصالح الذي أمره الرب ببناء فلك لحماية نفسه وعائلته من الطوفان العظيم. استمر في بناء الفلك وفقًا للمخطط الإلهي، وجمع الأزواج من الحيوانات. بعد أربعين يومًا من الأمطار، انحسرت المياه واستقر الفلك على جبال أراراط. أصبح الفلك رمزًا للرجاء والرحمة، وميثاقًا بين الله وخلقه.In the days of antiquity, when the earth was still young, mankind's folly had reached the heavens, and the world was inundated with sin and violence.
Amongst the #اكسبلور #لايك #تابعوني #جميله #متابعه #راحة_نفسية #دويتو #تيك_توك #music ruin, there was but one man, righteous and unwavering in his faith, who found favor in the eyes of the Almighty.
This man was Noah, a beacon of purity amidst the corruption of his age.
And it came to pass that the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, decreed the cleansing of the earth through a great deluge, a flood that would sweep away the wickedness that had taken root in the hearts of men.
To Noah, He imparted a divine command, a task monumental and sacred: to build an ark of gopher wood, vast and enduring, that would safeguard the remnants of His creation.
With steadfast resolve and unyielding dedication, Noah commenced his labor.
Day by day, guided by the divine blueprint, he and his sons erected the colossal vessel, its beams intertwined with purpose and faith.
Three hundred cubits in length, fifty in breadth, and thirty in height, it stood as a testament to Noah's piety and the Lord's benevolence.
As the ark neared completion, the skies darkened, and the earth trembled in anticipation of the imminent tempest.
Into this sanctuary of life, Noah gathered the chosen pairs, each species of the animal kingdom: the noble lion beside the meek lamb, the ponderous elephant next to the nimble deer.
Fowl of the air and beasts of the field, all found refuge within the ark's sturdy embrace.
Then, with reverence and awe, Noah led his family aboard—their hearts heavy with the weight of the world—and sealed the door, entrusting their fate to the Creator.
The heavens unleashed their fury, torrents of rain descended, and the fountains of the great deep burst forth.
For forty days and forty nights, the waters surged, swallowing mountains and obliterating cities, until all that was corrupt was no more.
Adrift upon the boundless waters, the ark and its sacred cargo floated over the ravaged earth, a solitary vessel in a world reborn through divine retribution.
In the silence that followed the storm, when the waters had receded and the earth once more breathed the air of renewal, the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat.
A covenant, symbolized by a resplendent rainbow, was established between the Almighty and His creation—a promise of mercy and a pledge that such a deluge would never again be wrought upon the earth.
Noah, gazing at the arc of colors that graced the heavens, understood the profound significance of his journey.
The ark, once a refuge from destruction, now stood as a beacon of hope, a testament to faith and obedience, and a reminder of the sacred bond between the Creator and His children.
And thus, the tale of Noah's Ark endures through the ages, a revered narrative of righteousness, divine justice, and the undying hope that springs forth from faith.Noah's Ark: A Tale of Faith and RenewalNoah’s Ark#NoahsArk #Faith #DivineJustice #Hope #Righteousness

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