Jesus Paid it All
You Still Direct Me You Still Direct Me
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 Published On Oct 21, 2024

The hymn Jesus Paid It All (also known as *Fullness in Christ*, *I Hear the Saviour Say*, and *Christ All and in All*) is a poignant traditional American hymn that powerfully expresses the theme of penal substitutionary atonement for sin through the death of Jesus Christ. This hymn is steeped in biblical references, drawing from scriptures such as Romans 5, which highlights how Jesus' sacrifice brings life, and Isaiah 1:18, which speaks of a "crimson flow."
The origins of this beloved hymn trace back to 1865, when the lyrics were penned by Elvina M. Hall, a 45-year-old widow and congregant. One Sunday morning, while seated in the choir loft of the Monument Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland, Hall found her thoughts drifting during an exceptionally lengthy pastoral prayer and sermon. Inspired, she began to write a poem on the blank flyleaf of her hymnal.

After the service, she presented her lyrics to her pastor, Rev. George W. Schreck (or Rev. S. Barnes). Coincidentally, that same week, the church organist, John Grape, shared a new musical composition titled "All To Christ I Owe" with Pastor Schreck. Recognizing a harmonious connection between Hall’s lyrics and Grape’s music, they collaborated to finish the hymn.

At the encouragement of Pastor Schreck, Hall and Grape submitted the completed hymn to Professor Theodore Perkins, the publisher of Sabbath Carols*. This led to its first publication, and since then, *Jesus Paid It All has become a cherished favorite among American Christians, resonating deeply with the message of redemption and grace through Christ’s sacrifice.

The hymn's timeless appeal lies in its simple yet profound declaration of faith, reminding believers of the complete and transformative nature of Jesus' atoning work on the cross. Its enduring legacy continues to inspire worshippers, inviting them to reflect on the depth of Christ's love and the assurance of salvation.

Jesus Paid It All
I hear the Savior say
"Thy strength indeed is small
Child of weakness, watch and pray
Find in Me thine all in all"

Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

Lord, now indeed I find
Thy power, and Thine alone
Can change the leper's spots
And melt this heart of stone

Lagu Jesus Paid It All (juga dikenal sebagai *Fullness in Christ*, *I Hear the Saviour Say*, dan *Christ All and in All*) adalah himne tradisional Amerika yang menyentuh dan kuat, yang dengan jelas mengungkapkan tema penebusan pengganti untuk dosa melalui kematian Yesus Kristus. Himne ini kaya dengan referensi Alkitab, diambil dari ayat-ayat seperti Roma 5, yang menekankan bagaimana pengorbanan Yesus memberikan kehidupan, dan Yesaya 1:18, yang berbicara tentang "aliran darah merah."

Asal usul himne yang dicintai ini bermula pada tahun 1865, ketika liriknya ditulis oleh Elvina M. Hall, seorang janda berusia 45 tahun dan jemaat gereja. Suatu pagi hari Minggu, ketika sedang duduk di balkon paduan suara di Gereja Methodist Episkopal Monument di Baltimore, Maryland, pikiran Hall mulai melayang saat mendengarkan doa pastoral dan khotbah yang sangat panjang. Terinspirasi, dia mulai menulis puisi di halaman kosong himnenya.

Setelah kebaktian, dia menyerahkan lirik tersebut kepada pendetanya, Rev. George W. Schreck (atau Rev. S. Barnes). Secara kebetulan, pada minggu yang sama, organis gereja, John Grape, berbagi komposisi musik baru yang berjudul "All To Christ I Owe" dengan Pastor Schreck. Menyadari keselarasan antara lirik Hall dan musik Grape, mereka bekerja sama untuk menyelesaikan himne tersebut.

Atas dorongan Pastor Schreck, Hall dan Grape mengirimkan himne yang telah selesai kepada Profesor Theodore Perkins, penerbit Sabbath Carols*. Ini menjadi publikasi pertama himne tersebut, dan sejak saat itu, *Jesus Paid It All menjadi favorit yang dihargai di kalangan umat Kristen Amerika, sangat beresonansi dengan pesan penebusan dan kasih karunia melalui pengorbanan Kristus.

Daya tarik abadi himne ini terletak pada deklarasi iman yang sederhana namun mendalam, mengingatkan orang percaya tentang karya penebusan Yesus yang sepenuhnya mengubah hidup di kayu salib. Warisan himne ini terus menginspirasi para penyembah, mengundang mereka untuk merenungkan kedalaman kasih Kristus dan jaminan keselamatan.

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